Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Cast

The Leading roles in the latest chapter of "The Maverick Expedition".

Tawny "Danger" Clark
The Girlfriend and Tactical Travel Companion

Benjamin "Ogre" Herndon
The Best Friend

Bekah "Rum Runner" Davis
Best friend's girlfriend and rebel leader opposed to emotial angst and sobreity

Julie "Snow Fox" Wolfson
Reality Check/Pragmatist

Tristan "Nail Bat" Morris
The Partner in Crime/Encourager of Awful Decisions


The Best Laid Plans of Trouble and Danger

Since obtaining the summit of Kilimanjaro I have been asked the same question by every known relative and acquaintance. "What are your plans after graduation?" I understand the appeal of this question, it is open ended, congenial, and in most cases gives the asker a structure on which the asker can map out their next questions. For nine point seven of all college graduates this is an effective question. I don’t fit into that category. This however did not stop the siege. So, I did what I do best… I made something up.
For a while I latched on to the idea of cattle ranching in Australia. Dusty, rugged, character building, something that makes great table conversation. However it also increases your chances of saddle sores, regrettable decisions made in the Australian bush, and a high probability of being bitten by any of the world’s 9 most deadly creatures (all located in Australia) and ultimately a monetary deficit.
Confronted with these facts I realized that I would have to pull my life together and make some serious decisions. I needed to chart my course, go to some interviews, and establish connections in the industry of my choosing. Perhaps I should browse the real estate market and consider investing in a house.
Instead I bought a one-way ticket to Spain.
However, to slake that thirst of a people that-need-to-know” I have created a poll to help me, help you. So give me some ideas of what you think I’ll do and I’ll keep you updated with each pulse pounding capricious decision I make. Then we can compare the results. In fact you all could bet on it. Like a horse race… only for MTV.
I will say this, the single most predictable thing about me is that I will always make the choice that will make a better story to tell at the bar that weekend.
Let the race begin.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Casting Off The Bowlines

Back in action.

Having completed my stint in higher education I find that it is time to go back to sea. Of course, following suit with the patterns of my personal buildungsroman, I will be returning to the Tri-Cities first. I might even stop talking to my closest friends and then tell everyone falsely that I'm engaged, I'm still feeling the situation out.